Poet’s Poet: Hoa Nguyen Alongside Lorine Niedecker Essay Feb 29 Written By Hoa Nguyen “Locating Lorine Niedecker: an essay by Hoa Nguyen that links the personal & the global, the Mekong Delta & Lake Koshkonong, poetry & pedagogy, present & past. A poetic tribute to a poet of specific place who has become a global ecopoet. hoahoa nguyenhoa nguyendhoa nguyuenhoanhwanuguyennugyenlorine niedeckerniedeckeressaypedagogypost45Locating Lorine Niedeckerpoet's poetecopoeticsvisionary poeticstaoismasian influenceliterary communityworkshopgenerative poetry workshopcommunity workshop Hoa Nguyen
Poet’s Poet: Hoa Nguyen Alongside Lorine Niedecker Essay Feb 29 Written By Hoa Nguyen “Locating Lorine Niedecker: an essay by Hoa Nguyen that links the personal & the global, the Mekong Delta & Lake Koshkonong, poetry & pedagogy, present & past. A poetic tribute to a poet of specific place who has become a global ecopoet. hoahoa nguyenhoa nguyendhoa nguyuenhoanhwanuguyennugyenlorine niedeckerniedeckeressaypedagogypost45Locating Lorine Niedeckerpoet's poetecopoeticsvisionary poeticstaoismasian influenceliterary communityworkshopgenerative poetry workshopcommunity workshop Hoa Nguyen