Reading and Writing through Hoa Nguyen
A 4 session zoom poetry workshop that meets every other week, led by Zoe Tuck, Reading and Writing through Hoa Nguyen begins Sunday Oct 27. A joint project of Small Press Traffic and the Belladonna*

Breaking Boundaries: Experimental Poetry of the Unsilent Generation
An Online Generative Crash Course with Hoa Nguyen via the Poetry Society of America. “Breaking Boundaries: Experimental Poetry of the Unsilent Generation”

Tarot Maximus with Poet Hoa Nguyen
A tarot course for writers. in Tarot Maximus, you will learn about the tarot and dip into a modern epic. Hoa Nguyen will lead this weekend intensive…

On Fred Wah's Music at the Heart of Thinking: a Workshop
Two writing workshops featuring Fred Wah's Music at the Heart of Thinking, benefitting and hosted by KFB.
Reading and Writing thru H.D.'s Collected: A Poetry Workshop
Reading and Writing through H.D.’s Collected Poems: A Poetry Workshop from January 22 to April 30, 2017(Cyberspace and Toronto, ON)