Tarot Maximus with Poet Hoa Nguyen
A tarot course for writers. in Tarot Maximus, you will learn about the tarot and dip into a modern epic. Hoa Nguyen will lead this weekend intensive…

On Fred Wah's Music at the Heart of Thinking: a Workshop
Two writing workshops featuring Fred Wah's Music at the Heart of Thinking, benefitting and hosted by KFB.

Reading and Writing through the Poetry of Lorine Niedecker
In this workshop, we will read and write through Lorine Niedecker’s Completed Works. You can expect to generate many poems.

Reading and Writing through James Schuyler's Collected Poems
Workshops with Hoa Nguyen: rich weekly written materials, a podcast recording, and an optional video-call feature connect participants.

New Poetry Workshop with Hoa Nguyen: on C.D. Wright's One with Others
In this workshop, we will read and write through One with Others by C.D. Wright.

If Not, Winter & Float: A Writing Workshop
In this workshop, we will read and write through alternating works: If Not, Winter: Fragments of Sappho translated by Anne Carson and Float by Carson. You can expect to generate many poems.